Join us for worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m
The Freedom of Youth

The Freedom of Youth

The Freedom of Youth Sarah Augustine preached on the story of the boy Jesus in the temple. We connected deeply with Mary, dealing with a shamelessly unapologetic pre-teen son. And then – firmly identifying with his parents – Sarah invited us to see the...
Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant This week in worship we continue to explore the rich and fertile darkness of Advent, hearing with Mary the invitation to partner with God in offering a home for God-with-us in her own body.  And  we  experience a pageant like we’ve never done...
Listening & Learning: Shannon Dycus

Listening & Learning: Shannon Dycus

Listening & Learning: Shannon Dycus We continue our summer worship series in which we listen to and learn from Black preachers. Today: Shannon Dycus, former pastor of First Mennonite Church in Indianapolis IN, and current Dean of Students at Eastern Mennonite...
Easy Yokes & Light Burdens??

Easy Yokes & Light Burdens??

Easy Yokes & Light Burdens?? Nothing about the yoke of intractable racism feels easy. Nothing about the burden of a runaway pandemic feels light. Is there any good news at all in these supposedly comforting words of Jesus? And what’s the deal with all those...