Join us for worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m


And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” — Mark 16:15

Sermon Archive

To keep up-to-date on our sermons, subscribe to our SMC sermon podcast through iTunes, or by searching your Podcasts app for “Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons,” or through our podcast page. If you would like to access sermons from before 2020, you can find them on our podcast page.

Released to give and to receive

Released to give and to receive

Jesus equips the disciples with power and authority, and then sends them to their ministries with no bread, no staff, no money, not even an extra shirt - nothing. Why? As we prepare to release Tyler to his ministry as our Pastor of Faith Formation, and as we too are...

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Universal Saving One

Universal Saving One

Jonah sought to protect his own people when God’s compassion and mercy were to extend to the repentant beyond Israel’s borders. Fairness, justice and truth are to be balanced with compassion and mercy by God’s definition and ways rather than our limited vision of who...

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Unlikely Dependencies = God’s Provision

Unlikely Dependencies = God’s Provision

What happens when a raven and a prophet form a little community of care? How about a Hebrew man and Phoenician widow - across religious and political divides? According to our storyteller, the needs of all are met, and the storyteller calls this God’s provision. Might...

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Cosmic Living Cathedral

Cosmic Living Cathedral

Whether in tents or temples, God is present and abiding with the Israelites and their descendants. God's living promise is a loving extensive, generational commitment/covenant among, between and with us just as we are: the only tabernacle God needs. [buzzsprout...

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Discernment Stories I

Discernment Stories I

Join us as Charlene Epp and Lauren Good share stories about times of discernment in their lives. This is the first part of a series. Each Sunday for a few weeks at least two people will share stories from their lives highlighting the ways they have discerned paths and...

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God’s Playground

God’s Playground

God delights in God’s playground - all of creation is meant to be enjoyed and to participate in the purpose of the rest of creation.  This sermon is a celebration of all that God has created, called good, and invited us to participate in.[buzzsprout episode='15420175'...

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Making the World

Making the World

Cultures and traditions - including religions - all have multiple creation stories.  Today we hear one from our scriptures told in Genesis, and our sermon shares another one - in the form of the children’s book “Big Momma Makes the World” by Phyllis Root.[buzzsprout...

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Faith-Filled Tension

Faith-Filled Tension

Paul binds the physical body with resurrection, a holistic change from life as we have structured and understood it to that which is eternal as Jesus life, death and resurrection gifted us. Our faith is intricately tied to a belief in the unbelievable while living and...

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One Parish One Prisoner

One Parish One Prisoner

There is one church for every prisoner in Washington State. Chris Hoke from One Parish One Prisoner brings reflections on the challenges and blessings of working with churches and prisoners.Chris HokeEastertide John...

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Costly Extravagant Love

Costly Extravagant Love

Jesus lives an increasingly life of truth-telling to civic and religious authorities. All the  while he enfolds the marginalized and oppressed into a just and merciful embrace of  care and love, calling disciples to do the same. Up to his impending death disciples ...

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God with Us

God with Us

​ News of wars, natural disaster, and human suffering greets us every evening, without fail. Where is God in this? Does God not see? Jesus warns his disciples of the temple’s destruction, and worse, yet to come. Indeed, God in Christ does see what human beings are...

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Hospitality & Chalking Doors

Hospitality & Chalking Doors

Christine Sine teaches us about where Jesus was most likely born, how the Inn we traditionally invoke probably wasn't what we consider an Inn at all. She reminds us of the Mennonite tradition of radical hospitality and encourages us into Chalking our doors as a...

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All of the people shouted with praise to God because the foundation of God’s house had been laid. But many of the older priests and Levites and heads of families, who had seen the first house, wept aloud when they saw the foundation of this house, although many others...

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The prophet Isaiah writes poetry: to express deep love between God and God’s beloveds, to convey heartache, to cleverly and poignantly pierce through word play, to evoke hope and catalyze action, to faithfully proclaim the truest nature of God. If poetry is good...

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The Good News Generation

The Good News Generation

Tom Sine encourages us to create neighborhood empowerment projects that young generations could join in, without requiring church attendance or membership. He talks about the value of examining Pew Research profiles of generations in order to predict action areas of...

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Much could be said of the exaggerated and hyperbolic showmanship of this contest Elijah sets up between himself and the prophets of Baal. But step back from the spectacle, and I want to know why the people remembered this story, told it over and over, and eventually...

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Gratitude and Blessing

Gratitude and Blessing

Christine Sine explores a variety of practices to increase our experience of gratitude. In this overstimulating, stressful world gratitude is an active way to push back on the negative and highlight the positive. This service ended in a St Francis Day blessing for our...

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A whole bevy of women choose to creatively subvert the powers of death, risking their own lives, for the sake of choosing life. Shiprah and Puah - the midwives who bravely deliver life in defiance of the king, Jochabed - the mother and master basket-weaver who becomes...

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Favored & Beloved

Favored & Beloved

Pastor Amy shares moments and memories of God's love and favor over the 18 years of her ministry at Seattle Mennonite.Amy EppLuke 1.46-55, 4.14-22Resources Pokemon and Christian discipleship Youth play super giant dutch...

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JOYous Justice

JOYous Justice

Joy & Justice are the twin children of Jubilee. They go together like (love and marriage?) a horse and carriage… “You can’t have one without the other!” As we seek to be God’s Jubilee people for one another and the world, may we continuously form one another in...

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Blessings of a Living Jesus

Blessings of a Living Jesus

Join us as Bob Pauw uses stories from Luke and Acts to illuminate stories of the people he has known in his work. He shares his heartfelt conviction that he has been blessed to walk with a living Jesus. Bob is an immigration lawyer who works with the least of these...

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A Canaanite Call-Out

A Canaanite Call-Out

The Canaanite woman calls out Jesus for his exclusion and abusive language. He responds by changing his mind, offering her the healing that she seeks for her daughter. Throughout history, it has been the brave souls who make themselves vulnerable by calling out people...

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Saved FROM what and TO what?

Saved FROM what and TO what?

The early Jesus Way community held resources in common and - in that sharing - were able to meet the needs of all. The book of Acts reports that the Holy One daily added to the numbers of this early Jesus Way community “those who were being saved”. Which causes us to...

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Getting in Trouble

Getting in Trouble

The Holy Spirit disrupts our plans, and she beautifully disrupted the sermon plan this morning! When honored guests from the Palouse tribe spoke so powerfully to us during our time of welcome and gathering, Pastor Megan knew the sermon had to shift. We heard how the...

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Love Is All Around

Love Is All Around

The message of Resurrection, remembered in this Easter season, is a message of apocalyptic proportions. The Good News of the community of Love springs to life and begins to spread as Dustin begins to say goodbye.Dustin...

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Earth and Breath

Earth and Breath

Sarah Augustine, our Just Peace Climate Justice speaker, discusses the uses and failures of Capitalism and calls us to engage in an Indigenous cosmology that prioritizes Community Wellbeing over individuals and profit. She deftly contrasts a worldview that demands...

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Mary the Tower in the Garden

Mary the Tower in the Garden

Pastor Megan inhabits the story found in John's gospel, of Mary Magdalene (Mary, THE Magdala; Mary the Tower) coming to the garden to find an empty tomb. Enter the story with her, listen for two bits of good news, and wonder where YOU are in this story...[buzzsprout...

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It’s You I Like

It’s You I Like

John 3:16 is much loved by many & much detested by many others. This Laetare Sunday, Dustin looks beyond verse 16 to find a way to rejoice in it.Dustin WilsorLent, Year WSong of Solomon 4.7-16; Psalm 135.1-16; 1 John...

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Seeing Eden Through the Lens of Jesus

Seeing Eden Through the Lens of Jesus

We are still in the Garden, beginning to see movement towards the Table. What does this origin story say about gender, and culture, and danger? If we start with Jesus, what do we see about that first curse and the real danger? Join Megan as she discusses the story and...

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Setting the Table

Setting the Table

Join Pastor Megan in a reflection on the story that begins with dirt in a garden. We've heard it so many times, through so many tellings and retellings. What table was set in that garden by a trickster and a very human Eve?[buzzsprout episode='12396241'...

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Garden to Table

Garden to Table

Join us as Pastor Megan reflects on our Story's beginnings. Humans and gardens and all good, life giving stories begin in the dirt.Megan M RamerLent 2023, Year W Genesis 2:7-9, 15-25; Mark 16:9-15Image: Photo by Gabriel...

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There’s A Place For Us

There’s A Place For Us

In this scripture, we come to the “ending credits” of the story of Mary that we have been following for the past several months. Using the musical West Side Story, Dustin urges us to ensure that we give credit to everyone who contributed to the story.[buzzsprout...

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Gathered Around A Campfire

Gathered Around A Campfire

Jesus’ ability to choose his baptism matters. Our ability to choose baptism, to choose discipleship, to choose joining the the Jesus movement, to choose walking in the Way, to choose covenant with one another ALSO matters. Despite how it may sound, this is not a...

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Heart Treasures & 12-Year-Olds

Heart Treasures & 12-Year-Olds

This sermon is a wondering, a story, a reflection, and - at the last - a blessing. A wondering about the treasures stored in Mary’s heart. A story about an aunt and her nephew ice skating. A reflection about Jesus at 12-years-old, about ALL 12-year-olds, and about...

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A Sign Provoking Contention

A Sign Provoking Contention

Join us as Weldon reflects on prophecy and the prophets he has known and worked with in Iraqi Kurdistan. His work with CPT has brought him in contact with prophets, particularly women prophets, who are challenging and provoking the systems of oppression around...

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Formation and Family

Formation and Family

Jesus’ formation began when he was still in utero, when his mama sang the revolutionary songs of her own foremamas, and when Joseph drew a circle of family around a child not his own. Years later when Jesus’ own ministry proclaimed a liberation of systems where...

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Blessed Are You Among Women!

Blessed Are You Among Women!

Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Who was the blessed woman, and what does it mean to be blessed in the first place? Dustin is an emerging Mariologist, and he walks us through the unfamiliar...

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Annunciation and Story

Annunciation and Story

When Mary said yes to Gabriel's invitation to be the bearer of Jesus, she did so as one in the long story of women partnering with God in creation. Each of us, like Mary, may be storytellers of God, helping to birth new things in our own lives and in the world: new...

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Mary the Tower

Mary the Tower

An opening question for our sermonic adventure: Of all the Marys in our gospels, WHICH MARY is the Mary in John 11 and John 12? If you think you know the answer, your answer may be complicated by what you hear here. The biblical world has been shaken by the research...

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Representation Matters

Representation Matters

Drama heightens in the exaggerated, fantastical tragi-comedy that is Esther. After a moment of reluctance, Esther rises to the occasion to successfully execute a plan to protect her people (and literally execute - on a 75-foot-high stake - the enemy of her people…)....

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An Ode to Those Who Say NO

An Ode to Those Who Say NO

Before there was Rosa Parks, there was Ida B. Wells. Before there was Esther, there was Vashti. And after all of them was Brenda Salter McNeil. Those who say “No!” stand on the shoulders of many others who also had the courage to resist before them, making the powers...

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I Will Never Leave You

I Will Never Leave You

All Saints Sunday was a wonderful chance to eat together and share stories of our saints. We even got to make icons and hear part of the story of Ruth read out loud by four voices. Listen as Dustin reflects on the stories of his saints, his icons, and one of his...

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Bible’s Best Boy

Bible’s Best Boy

As much as we learned otherwise in Sunday school, Boaz is not the romantic lead of a storybook romance. He is, however, one of the best examples we have in the Bible of how to use privilege, power and wealth in a way that offers a place to those who don't have those...

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Horns of Every Shape and Size!

Horns of Every Shape and Size!

The Bible has taught us well to allegorize stories by substituting God for the male figure in a story, and Jerusalem or Humanity for the female figure. However, Hebrew poetry lends itself to double entendres and multiple meanings. With the help of the 1957 Broadway...

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Desire, Bodies, and Sex, OH MY!

Desire, Bodies, and Sex, OH MY!

No bones about it: Song of Songs is steamy. Before this sermon is through, we will acknowledge that people do, in fact, have sex. We will hear about desire and the clandestine rendezvous of lovers. We will learn that Pastor Megan has become an avid reader of romance...

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A Singular Voice Contains Multitudes

A Singular Voice Contains Multitudes

When at last the communal voice enters the lamentation, closing out the book of Lamentations, the community finds a way to speak in a singular voice with enough spaciousness to embrace its diversities. It’s almost magical how they pull it off. Have we, could we, might...

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A Time to Hear from One Another

A Time to Hear from One Another

We encounter the timeless poetry of Ecclesiastes about the seasons of our lives. Pete Seeger iconically set this poetry to music so poignant and beautiful that it is known to nearly all of us. Like all good poetry, there is spaciousness to enter it from our many and...

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Ode to a Vaporous Life

Ode to a Vaporous Life

If all of life is “vanity” or breath or vapor, as the Teacher of Ecclesiastes repeats, is it then “perfectly pointless”? If life is unfair, inscrutable, beyond our control, and destined for the grave, as the Teacher describes, is it then meaningless? Perhaps. Or...

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Some Six-figure Nard…

Some Six-figure Nard…

In 2020 Seattle dollars, Mary pours out $100,000 worth of perfume on Jesus’ feet. Why? And when Judas questions her choice, citing how much further those dollars could have gone if given to the poor, doesn’t he have a point? Yep. But come along for this sermonic ride,...

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Cancel all debt. Period

Cancel all debt. Period

The law in Deuteronomy is clear: every seven year all debt is to be canceled. But because people are people, it's pretty hard to live it out practically. What the law depends on and encourages is building a community of trust in which we know each other well enough to...

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Mary Stayed

Mary Stayed

Death may not be the end of the story, but death is in the story. Like many of us, Mary is deeply feeling grief, loss and trauma after the loss of a beloved friend. She goes to the tomb, sad and disoriented and from the midst of those feelings, she encounters God. The...

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Wielder of Life

Wielder of Life

Who is Jesus? Throughout John’s gospel, Jesus makes a series of key “I AM…” claims to various groups of people. I AM… the good shepherd, true vine, gate, living water, light of the world, way-truth-life, bread of life, the resurrection and the life. Additionally,...

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Holy Disruptions

Holy Disruptions

Jesus was completely unruly at the margins of one of his community's most sacred celebrations. Disruptions to Solemn Ceremony are very unexpected and annoying. But, Pastor Megan invites us to look for the life amongst the disruptions, to find the path of love that...

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Light is Complicated

Light is Complicated

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.  But light is complicated. It can burn and glare.  The familiar and beloved song from the prophet is about military conquest and might, a leader whose rule is absolute.  Yet it still reflects God desire for a...

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Justice First

Justice First

The prophets bring us beautiful poetry and powerful challenge. Amos is clear that justice must be established at the city gate, at the entry point, at the first. Everything else flows from that. Without justice at the start, God **can’t even** with our worship…!...

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God, You’re Muted

God, You’re Muted

We continue our journey through the Hebrew Bible and hear a story from 1 Kings of God speaking to the prophet Elijah. Listen to our preacher’s reflections on the nature of God, God’s voice, God’s silence, our experience of the pandemic, and how to navigate when God...

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Manna? Manna!

Manna? Manna!

Though we think of manna as the bread that God rained down on the wandering Israelite community in the wilderness, “manna” was first a question. “What is it?!” The Israelites draw near enough to the strange flaky substance on the ground to ask “Manna?” and in so doing...

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A Name In Motion

A Name In Motion

Names can shape identity or character in powerful ways. When Moses asks God’s name, God responds with a verb: “I am becoming who I am becoming.” What does it mean, then and now, to be in relationship with a God who claims a name that is an action, a movement, a verb,...

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Testing… Testing…

Testing… Testing…

The history of testing is troubling and it's been revealed how biased and even harmful tests can be.  In the familiar passage of the binding of Isaac, God is giving the test.  This story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his child and Abraham proceeding to carry out...

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I can talk about gratitude

I can talk about gratitude

This one stumped Pastor Megan. We again ask: “Why do we worship?” And this week’s response, taken from our Voices Together hymnal, is: “To praise and give thanks.” Listen as Megan meanders through reflections on gratitude, even as she doesn’t feel very much like...

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Favored and Formed

Favored and Formed

Pastor Amy realizes that God plays favorites! We, God's people, are the ones who God returns to again and again, we're invited to return to God's presence to be formed in worship. In worship we are shaped by the language in song, prayer and preaching.  Week after week...

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Welcome Home

Welcome Home

As we return to our church building for the first time in more than 17 months, we ponder the question: Why do we worship? Our new hymnal and worship resource, Voices Together, guides us through some of the foundational responses to that question. Firstly, we worship...

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Resilience Through Difficulty

Resilience Through Difficulty

​Jesus told a parable “toward the necessity” that his hearers might be urged to pray persistently and not be discouraged. It was the story of a woman - a widow - who nevertheless persisted in crying for justice from an unjust judge who self-avowedly neither feared God...

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Resurrection on Repeat

Resurrection on Repeat

Jesus is on a resurrection tour! He appears to the disciples not once but time and again - and then again when different ones among them are gathered.  His set-list stays the same: Peace! But he changes the way he communicates.  Likewise, we will need to communicate...

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Blessing Our Differences

Blessing Our Differences

On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to bless and honor difference, by allowing for bridging and understanding amongst differences. As we navigate the many differences in how we communicate, how we gather, and how we worship, especially in this season of...

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Resurrection, not Resuscitation

Resurrection, not Resuscitation

Looking to the sacred text of John’s gospel, and the sacred text of creation, Pastor Megan ponders resurrection as not only a powerful Way of Life, but specifically as we emerge from the worst of the pandemic and begin our journey of return to incarnational community...

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Gathered & Sent – A Communal Sermon

Gathered & Sent – A Communal Sermon

The Holy Spirit comes to a community in the Pentecost story. And so we hear Scriptural reflections from our community. Pastor Megan shares what our Spiritual Leadership Team noticed and wondered about together as we dwelt in this story during Saturday’s meeting (in...

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Holy Spirit, Come with Power!

Holy Spirit, Come with Power!

We had a 15 minute service of worship and prayer today followed by continuation of our Congregational Meeting from last week.  Holy Work! Land Acknowledgement: Real Rent Duwamish Prayers of the People Adapted from Peter...

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Easter Celebration

Easter Celebration

We gather to celebrate the risen Christ with music, song and story. Children and their families bring their joy and creativity to the Easter story in a mini video-pageant and we conclude our worship with our tradition of belting out the Hallelujah Chorus (well, we...

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Pursuing God’s Will Together

Pursuing God’s Will Together

A group has been meeting weekly for the past couple of months, going chapter-by-chapter through "Pursuing God's Will Together" by Ruth Haley Barton, a foundational text for the spiritual discerning we have done as church the past 7+ years. Jennifer Delanty was...

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A Jesus Who Troubles

A Jesus Who Troubles

We’ve got ourselves a BADnews - GOODnews situation with the pair of stories from Luke 7. Jesus is moved by a widow’s suffering to bring healing and a restoration of her wholeness in the community. Yet Jesus also brings healing to the “treasured” slave of a Roman...

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Sabbath Fences, Sabbath Gates

Sabbath Fences, Sabbath Gates

We worship with Jesus in the field and in the synagogue. Jesus debates with his fellow Jewish leaders about God's gift of the Sabbath. The Pharisees and legal experts were trying to fence up the law, protecting it and their community. Jesus argued that the gift of...

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How brave it is to follow

How brave it is to follow

Today's Scripture reflections feature Jesus, a heap of fish, and pondering the BRAVERY of following. That leads directly into Brenda Salter McNeil's powerful storytelling of clergy in Ferguson in 2014 being asked by the young generation of leaders who'd witnessed a...

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A Hope-Filled Crowd

A Hope-Filled Crowd

Crowds. They can be riotous, violent, insurrectionist mobs, afraid of losing power and hellbent on throwing a prophet off a cliff. Or they can be boisterous, hope-filled, sleeves-rolled-up masses resolved to build a movement for liberation. We meet both kinds in...

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Raging & Weeping

Raging & Weeping

My words are stuck GodDo I rage or do I weep?Wrap me in your grace“Haiku prayers” posted by John Stevens in Narrative Lectionary facebook group--This week's images of white supremacy storming and occupying our Capitol have caused many of us to rage and weep. In short,...

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The Freedom of Youth

The Freedom of Youth

Sarah Augustine preached on the story of the boy Jesus in the temple. We connected deeply with Mary, dealing with a shamelessly unapologetic pre-teen son. And then - firmly identifying with his parents - Sarah invited us to see the freedom and unencumbered way of...

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Wait, Look, Receive

Wait, Look, Receive

The Holy Spirit is on the move! The prophets Anna and Simeon are channeled by our own resident prophet Rita Kowats, this first Sunday of Christmas.  The elders of Jerusalem wait, looking for the Spirit, ready to receive the infant Jesus and to declare the salvation of...

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Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant

This week in worship we continue to explore the rich and fertile darkness of Advent, hearing with Mary the invitation to partner with God in offering a home for God-with-us in her own body.  And  we  experience a pageant like we've never done it before! Our families...

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Seeing (differently) in the Dark

Seeing (differently) in the Dark

Anyone who has gone hiking or walking in the nighttime knows that darkness doesn't lead to not seeing; darkness leads to seeing differently. The prophet Joel writes that God's mothering, raven Spirit will be poured out on all flesh; causing children to prophesy,...

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In the Den with the Lions

In this worship we begin exploring in the dark.  So much of the time language and culture teaches that all that is good and right an beautiful is full of light and all that is evil and terrible is dark.  And thus that dark is something to fear and avoid.  As we enter...

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Scrolls of the heart

Scrolls of the heart

The prophet Jeremiah records in a scroll God's words for God's people. The King, cozied up to a warming fire in his winter apartment, takes a penknife to the scrolls, excising and then burning God's words for God's people. But God's words have already been read in the...

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Musical Composition of a Fantastical Vision

Musical Composition of a Fantastical Vision

As I've lived with Isaiah's bizarre, fantastical, and awe-some / terrifying vision, I began to experience it as a musical composition: Introduction - In the year that King Uzziah died... Movement 1 - The Skirts of God Movement 2 - Frankenstein Movement 3 - Hineni Coda...

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Pouty Jonah & Spreading the Faith

Pouty Jonah & Spreading the Faith

Jonah is dramatically, laughably angry about God's mercy for the Ninevites, and carries on a stompy, pouty tantrum. Often I laugh at his expense; this week I relate. We also recall that God's mercy for Nineveh follows sincere repentance and reparation of harm on the...

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Just Enough for Today

Just Enough for Today

We may be able to identify with the widow of Zarephath who, in a time of a devastating, nation-wide crisis feels ready to die.  In the midst of this certainty that she will not make it through, God provides a companion and the hope that each day she and her household...

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Hannah’s prayers

Hannah’s prayers

Both in her "wretched" distress and joyous confidence, Hannah prays. She brings her "hot, holy mess" to her God, and she also prophetically sings of God's joyous and just Jubilee vision before it is visible to her or realized in the world. Perhaps her witness can...

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When Love IS Anger

When Love IS Anger

God is angry at the Hebrew people over their casting of a golden calf for false worship, mere months after God has liberated them from slavery. God is angry. SO angry, in fact, that God seems ready to destroy them all... again. God ultimately relents from punishment...

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Celebrating MCC’s Centennial

Celebrating MCC’s Centennial

The Mennonite congregations across Washington State worked together to create a celebration video in honor of Mennonite Central Committee turning 100 years old. Normally we would have gathered this weekend for the annual Mennonite Country Auction, but this year we had...

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Peacemaking IS Accompaniment

Peacemaking IS Accompaniment

We joined with Mennonite World Conference congregations around the globe in celebrating Peace Sunday. According to 1 Corinthians, when one of us suffers all of us suffer, and when one of us rejoices all of us rejoice. This, we as global Mennonites were urged to...

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Creation: Relationship & Fracture

Creation: Relationship & Fracture

We are back to the Narrative Lectionary, and we kick off this year's journey through the biblical text with a Genesis creation account. In it, humans are created from the earth, for the plants, intrinsically connected to one another, and intimately sculpted and...

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Common Life & Common Space

Common Life & Common Space

We spend one final summer week with commentator Willie James Jennings, the Book of Acts, Paul imprisoned (yet again...), and the Holy Spirit calling Jesus-followers into common life and common space with one another. [sermon begins at 20:38] [buzzsprout...

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Listening & Learning: Jerrell Williams

Listening & Learning: Jerrell Williams

In this last Sunday of hearing from in our summer series: Jerrell Williams, pastor of Salem Mennonite Church, a fellow Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference congregation.  Jerrell takes us on a journey with Hagar into the wilderness, a journey in which she encounters...

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Citizen Discipleship

Citizen Discipleship

"Disciples of Jesus should be desperate citizens. The desperate citizen will press their citizenship as far as possible for the sake of thwarting death and its agents." Pastor Amy explores the work of theologian Willie James Jennings and discusses the way our...

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Listening & Learning: Shannon Dycus

Listening & Learning: Shannon Dycus

We continue our summer worship series in which we listen to and learn from Black preachers. Today: Shannon Dycus, former pastor of First Mennonite Church in Indianapolis IN, and current Dean of Students at Eastern Mennonite University. We listened to Shannon’s 2016...

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Listening & Learning: Austin Channing Brown

Listening & Learning: Austin Channing Brown

We continue our summer worship series in which we listen to and learn from Black preachers. Today: Austin Channing Brown, author of best-selling book, I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, and a powerful preacher. We listened to Austin's sermon,...

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Easy Yokes & Light Burdens??

Easy Yokes & Light Burdens??

Nothing about the yoke of intractable racism feels easy. Nothing about the burden of a runaway pandemic feels light. Is there any good news at all in these supposedly comforting words of Jesus? And what's the deal with all those words of judgment that *precede* the...

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Listening & Learning: Glen Guyton

Listening & Learning: Glen Guyton

We continue our summer worship series in which we listen to and learn from Black preachers. Today: Glen Guyton, the Executive Director of our denomination, Mennonite Church USA. He loves pie and is funny (though his wife may disagree). And he preaches a good word:...

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Listening & Learning: Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III

Listening & Learning: Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III

We begin our summer worship series in which we listen and learn from Black preachers.  We start with Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.  With him we cry in lament for Ahmaud Arbery and so many other Black lives lost to the...

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Circling Back to Gratitude

Circling Back to Gratitude

With our sibling congregations from around Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference, we lament not being gathered together for our annual assembly and we celebrate with the prompt, "Thanks be to God". Though, like the Psalmist in Psalms 9-10 we are experiencing the...

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“The Common” – zoom church

“The Common” – zoom church

In the drama of Acts, the Holy Spirit is the main character and the plot is The Common. What IS "The Common"? In short, it's the spectacular joining of God's people which enables collective boldness, criminal discipleship, and shared life. Pastor Megan reflects on...

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Burn and Breathe – Zoom Church

Burn and Breathe – Zoom Church

In the days of protest, riot and rage over police violence against black people and the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Tony McDade and many others, we gather for Pentecost.  We call on the Holy Spirit to come with power.  We call on the Holy Spirit to burn...

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Bodies Matter to God

Bodies Matter to God

Death swallowed up in life? That might be a little hard to swallow, considering the mounting statistics or loss of beloved ones in our lives.  But when it comes down to it, what Paul is trying to communicate to the Corinthian church is how important our bodies are to...

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The Loooooove Chapter

The Loooooove Chapter

What can be said of 1 Corinthians 13, the "love chapter," that you haven't already heard at one hundred weddings? How might we refuse to dismiss it as just another smarmy love song, and instead live every more fully, beautifully, heartachingly into its sacred siren...

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Anything but normal – Zoom Church

Anything but normal – Zoom Church

This week, we jump from the gospel of Mark into Luke's distinctly different world and voice, as experienced in the book of Acts. Jesus is kidnapped by a cloud (!!!), and the disciples are left, jaws dropped, gawking at the sky. They are looking in the wrong direction,...

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Zoom Church (3/15/20)

Zoom Church (3/15/20)

There were 69 households participating in worship this past Sunday! Listen along to the prayers and sharing, music and reflection on scripture.  Use the links below to find some of the resources named in the recording. Episode artwork: photo by Vija Merrill[buzzsprout...

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Zoom Church (3/8/20)

Zoom Church (3/8/20)

Our first experience of gathering as church via Zoom. While absolutely nothing can replace being in the same space with our whole body-spirit selves, given the circumstances, this was a delight. 39 households, many of whom included multiple people, logged in for...

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Jesus made me do it

Jesus made me do it

Not going to lie: this is a TOUGH message about the laughable impossibility of wealth in God's kindom and the dispiriting reality of growing homelessness on the West Coast and specifically on our front doorstep. But it's also about Jesus' love for we who have much,...

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A Markan Fulcrum & Evocative Transfiguring

A Markan Fulcrum & Evocative Transfiguring

Smack dab in the middle of Mark's gospel and SOMEone finally knows how to answer the persistent question: Who is Jesus? Peter responds, "You are the Christ." At this fulcrum, we've now tipped over to the second half of the gospel in which Jesus sets out to teach...

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Heads Will Roll

Heads Will Roll

The story of an insane, self-important, opportunistic, incestuous, tyrannical (but pretty small-time) political family is dropped into the Gospel of Mark just as Jesus' ministry is taking off.  Herod and company are quite the soap opera.  He thinks he can stop the...

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An Audacious Reach

An Audacious Reach

A woman audaciously reaches for her own belonging and healing. There's not much left for Jesus to do... except to stop, seek her out, and quietly create the conditions for her to speak her whole truth in the presence of the community that has amplified rather than...

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Movement & Trouble

Movement & Trouble

​We are just starting our journey with Jesus through Mark's gospel, and already there's a pattern to his movement: margins --> centers of power --> get into / cause trouble --> retreat to margins for prayer and rest (then around & around again...). This...

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The Call to Discipleship

The Call to Discipleship

Using poetry from Lifting Hearts off the Ground: Declaring Indigenous Rights in Poetry, by Lyla June Johnston & Joy De Vito, Pastor Melanie reflects on the beginning of Jesus' ministry and on what Jesus' followers are called to - both in scripture and today. ...

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