Join us for worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m
Pursuing God’s Will Together

Pursuing God’s Will Together

Pursuing God’s Will Together A group has been meeting weekly for the past couple of months, going chapter-by-chapter through “Pursuing God’s Will Together” by Ruth Haley Barton, a foundational text for the spiritual discerning we have done as...
A Jesus Who Troubles

A Jesus Who Troubles

A Jesus Who Troubles We’ve got ourselves a BADnews – GOODnews situation with the pair of stories from Luke 7. Jesus is moved by a widow’s suffering to bring healing and a restoration of her wholeness in the community. Yet Jesus also brings healing to the...
Sabbath Fences, Sabbath Gates

Sabbath Fences, Sabbath Gates

Sabbath Fences, Sabbath Gates We worship with Jesus in the field and in the synagogue. Jesus debates with his fellow Jewish leaders about God’s gift of the Sabbath. The Pharisees and legal experts were trying to fence up the law, protecting it and their...
How brave it is to follow

How brave it is to follow

How brave it is to follow Today’s Scripture reflections feature Jesus, a heap of fish, and pondering the BRAVERY of following. That leads directly into Brenda Salter McNeil’s powerful storytelling of clergy in Ferguson in 2014 being asked by the young...
A Hope-Filled Crowd

A Hope-Filled Crowd

A Hope-Filled Crowd Crowds. They can be riotous, violent, insurrectionist mobs, afraid of losing power and hellbent on throwing a prophet off a cliff. Or they can be boisterous, hope-filled, sleeves-rolled-up masses resolved to build a movement for liberation. We meet...