by Melissa Kelly | Apr 3, 2022 | Lent, Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
The Carceral System Sucks We are in our third week in a row of Jesus’ trial, and the story is getting increasingly painful to endure. If we stick with it enough to actually take it in, to allow ourselves to feel all we feel, we might notice that – while horrific...
by Melissa Kelly | Mar 27, 2022 | Lent, Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
Belonging to a True Word The scene in Jerusalem during this time of Passover is fraught, and occupying imperial power is tenuous. Crowds travel all across the Judean landscape to convene in Jerusalem for an annual pilgrimage in which they retell a story of their...
by Melissa Kelly | Mar 20, 2022 | Guest Speaker, Lent, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
Jesus’ trial and Peter’s denial; 1st and 21st Centuries On our Lenten journey in John’s Gospel, Jesus is falsely arrested and accused for embodying truth that exposes the lies of powerful authorities, while Peter struggles with the call and cost of...
by Melissa Kelly | Feb 20, 2022 | Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
Holy Disruptions Jesus was completely unruly at the margins of one of his community’s most sacred celebrations. Disruptions to Solemn Ceremony are very unexpected and annoying. But, Pastor Megan invites us to look for the life amongst the disruptions, to find...
by Melissa Kelly | Feb 13, 2022 | Epiphany, Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons, zoom church
“Munching Jesus’ Flesh” To be frank: John is a bit extra. John’s gospel will take anything that Jesus says or does in Matthew, Mark, or Luke, and turn the dial all the way up to “whaaaat?!” Following the feeding of way-more-than-5000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 dried...
by Melissa Kelly | Feb 6, 2022 | Amy Epp, Epiphany, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
Strategic Signage We’re all on the lookout for a sign – the thing that tells us we’re on the right track, headed in the right direction – even if we’re not superstitious. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is performing miracles, but John...