Join us for worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m
Setting the Table

Setting the Table

Setting the Table Join Pastor Megan in a reflection on the story that begins with dirt in a garden. We’ve heard it so many times, through so many tellings and retellings. What table was set in that garden by a trickster and a very human Eve?  Audio  Preacher...
There’s A Place For Us

There’s A Place For Us

There’s A Place For Us In this scripture, we come to the “ending credits” of the story of Mary that we have been following for the past several months. Using the musical West Side Story, Dustin urges us to ensure that we give credit to everyone who contributed...
A Sign Provoking Contention

A Sign Provoking Contention

A Sign Provoking Contention Join us as Weldon reflects on prophecy and the prophets he has known and worked with in Iraqi Kurdistan. His work with CPT has brought him in contact with prophets, particularly women prophets, who are challenging and provoking the systems...
Blessed Are You Among Women!

Blessed Are You Among Women!

Blessed Are You Among Women! Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Who was the blessed woman, and what does it mean to be blessed in the first place? Dustin is an emerging Mariologist, and he walks...
Annunciation and Story

Annunciation and Story

Annunciation and Story When Mary said yes to Gabriel’s invitation to be the bearer of Jesus, she did so as one in the long story of women partnering with God in creation. Each of us, like Mary, may be storytellers of God, helping to birth new things in our own...