Join us for worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m
Making the World

Making the World

Making the World Cultures and traditions – including religions – all have multiple creation stories.  Today we hear one from our scriptures told in Genesis, and our sermon shares another one – in the form of the children’s book “Big Momma Makes the...


Ripples A whole bevy of women choose to creatively subvert the powers of death, risking their own lives, for the sake of choosing life. Shiprah and Puah – the midwives who bravely deliver life in defiance of the king, Jochabed – the mother and master...
Setting the Table

Setting the Table

Setting the Table Join Pastor Megan in a reflection on the story that begins with dirt in a garden. We’ve heard it so many times, through so many tellings and retellings. What table was set in that garden by a trickster and a very human Eve?  Audio  Preacher...