by Melissa Kelly | May 26, 2024 | Liz Colver, Sermons
Making the World Cultures and traditions – including religions – all have multiple creation stories. Today we hear one from our scriptures told in Genesis, and our sermon shares another one – in the form of the children’s book “Big Momma Makes the...
by Melissa Kelly | Oct 1, 2023 | Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 2, Sermons
Ripples A whole bevy of women choose to creatively subvert the powers of death, risking their own lives, for the sake of choosing life. Shiprah and Puah – the midwives who bravely deliver life in defiance of the king, Jochabed – the mother and master...
by Melissa Kelly | Sep 17, 2023 | Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 2, Sermons
I didn’t laugh. Yes, you did. We have all laughed at and with Sarah for as long as we’ve heard the story. An 80 year old woman giving birth!?! Pastor Megan challenges us to consider laughter. What impossible things do we laugh at? An end to hunger?...
by Melissa Kelly | Mar 12, 2023 | Lent, Megan Ramer, Sermons, Year W
Seeing Eden Through the Lens of Jesus We are still in the Garden, beginning to see movement towards the Table. What does this origin story say about gender, and culture, and danger? If we start with Jesus, what do we see about that first curse and the real danger?...
by Melissa Kelly | Mar 5, 2023 | Lent, Megan Ramer, Sermons, Year W
Setting the Table Join Pastor Megan in a reflection on the story that begins with dirt in a garden. We’ve heard it so many times, through so many tellings and retellings. What table was set in that garden by a trickster and a very human Eve? Audio Preacher...