Join us for worship, Sundays at 9:30 a.m

All of Acts is a story about a community / communities in transition; a story about finding a way together through much sorting and discerning; a story about claiming and releasing and improv; a story of a community’s long journey of becoming. All in the service of following Jesus together, as empowered by God’s Spirit. Today, Melanie and Jonathan share with us a story of our becoming, and theirs; a story of Community Ministry seeded in the rich soils of Seattle Mennonite Church and the Lake City neighborhood; a story of community ministries (plural!) midwifed, nurtured, and – ultimately – released. Today we embark on the sorrowful and sacred path of bidding the Neufelds farewell. Though it is impossibly hard to say goodbye to beloveds, we remember their time among us with deep gratitude, and we release them to seek and discover their next deep yes. God be with us, each one. [Megan’s intro begins at minute 21:15, Melanie & Jonathan’s sharing begins at minute 23:45]



Jonathan and Melanie Neufeld; Megan Ramer



Narrative Lectionary – Year 3 – Eastertide



  • Call to Worship: Voice Together 862
  • Prayers of the People: Voices Together 1048
  • In Christ there is no East or West,  Voices Together 390
  • Scripture: Acts 15:1-18
  • Land Acknowledgement: Real Rent Duwamish: 
  • Blessing our Offerings: Donate
  • Support Camp Carmec: Donate
  • Stay: A Blessing for Ascension Day,” Jan Richardson, Circle of Grace, 161 (2015).
  • “We Shake with Joy,” Mary Oliver, Evidence (2009).
  • Benediction: Voices Together 1068
  • Image: Neufelds at Winnipeg Pride Parade, 2018, swiped shamelessly from facebook! 🙂

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Come and Fill our Hearts – © 1982, 1991, 2011, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent; Contributors: Jacques Berthier, Taizé
  • There’s a Wideness – Text: Frederick W, Faber, 1861; Tune: Lizzie S. Tourjee, 1878
  • Come Thou Fount – Text: Rober Robinson, 1758; Tune: American traditional in John Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, 1813

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