by Melissa Kelly | Feb 13, 2022 | Epiphany, Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons, zoom church
“Munching Jesus’ Flesh” To be frank: John is a bit extra. John’s gospel will take anything that Jesus says or does in Matthew, Mark, or Luke, and turn the dial all the way up to “whaaaat?!” Following the feeding of way-more-than-5000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 dried...
by Melissa Kelly | Jan 23, 2022 | Guest Speaker, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons, zoom church
The Parable of the Wind Pastor Rachael Weasley of Community of Hope in Bellingham reflects on our church and hers, and gives us a teaching from John. She reflects on how this passage qualifies as a parable and on what it teaches us about where the wind, or Spirit,...