Seeing Eden Through the Lens of Jesus
We are still in the Garden, beginning to see movement towards the Table. What does this origin story say about gender, and culture, and danger? If we start with Jesus, what do we see about that first curse and the real danger? Join Megan as she discusses the story and the wisdom brought by rabbis through Midrash and learn about the way things are, danger, and First Tears.
Photo by Kevin Toval on pexels
Hymn: Voices Together, 162, The Love of God. Text: F. M. Lehman (USA), c. 1917, stanza 3 based on Rabbi Meir (Germany), “Haddamut,” c. 1050, and Qur’an 31:27 (present-day Saudi Arabia), alt. Music: F. M. Lehman, c. 1917; arr. Claudia Lehman Mays (USA), alt.