Blessing and Sending: Saying farewell with Melanie and Jonathan Neufeld
Our pastors Melanie and Jonathan Neufeld have been with our congregation for the past 14 years, building a ministry with people experiencing homelessness, expanding the community of people who care about those living outside into a network, and offering companionship and love to those in our congregation. They share from their experience of ministry in Lake City as we prepare to bless them on their way to a new beginning.
Melanie and Jonathan Neufeld
Summer-Ordinary Time 2021
Psalm 13 (excerpts); Philippians 4:4-7
Photo Credit: Ken Kraybill
Hymn: Lord, listen to your children praying, Voices Together 682; Ken Medema © 1973 Hope Publishing Co.
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.