by Melissa Kelly | Jul 3, 2022 | Debbie Bledsoe, Sermons, Summer Series 2022
What do we do about Leviticus? Leviticus is confusing. It wasn’t written to us or for us and we don’t even know who wrote it! Can we find some guidance for today in this text? Is it even relevant? Audio Preacher Debbie Bledsoe b Series Summer series, 2022 ...
by Melissa Kelly | Jun 26, 2022 | Amy Epp, Sermons, Summer Series 2022
Cancel all debt. Period The law in Deuteronomy is clear: every seven year all debt is to be canceled. But because people are people, it’s pretty hard to live it out practically. What the law depends on and encourages is building a community of trust in which we...
by Melissa Kelly | Jun 19, 2022 | Amy Epp, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
Baptism: Political, Practical, Personal On this Sunday when we celebrate the baptism of two young adults in our congregation, Pastor Amy explores the way baptism blesses and call us. In Jesus baptism, he was pronounced his allegiance not to the emperors and kings who...
by Melissa Kelly | Jun 12, 2022 | Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Pentecost, Sermons
This sermon – about a semicolon – is a comma. We wrap up another Narrative Lectionary year with the lovely close of Paul’s letter to the community at Philippi. These words of encouragement, consolation, and assurance are bedside words: one can just as...
by Melissa Kelly | May 29, 2022 | Easter, Guest Speaker, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
In Full Accord Philippians Chapter 2 contains what is thought to be the earliest Christian hymn. Paul’s words to his beloveds in Philippi can be likened to a music director’s instructions to a singing group. Seattle Mennonite Church is like a choir with many voices,...
by Melissa Kelly | May 22, 2022 | Amy Epp, Easter, Narrative Lectionary - Year 4, Sermons
A Postcard from Prison Paul writes from prison in a tradition repeated since his time by many activists, scholars and prophets of the Gospel. But this letter is less prophetic and more a love letter to a beloved congregation. In the style of Paul’s letter to the...