At Seattle Mennonite we understand ourselves to be grounded in and formed through worship. Through this act, we orient ourselves toward God and identify ourselves with Jesus. We nurture our relationship with God and with each other, come together in prayer and praise, and we learn more about the One whom we worship. Worship is led and planned by our pastor and a variety of lay leaders and artists.
Any Given Sunday
On any given Sunday, we sing and pray together, listen to scripture, story, and preaching, collect our offerings, and share announcements that relate to the life of our community. We follow the liturgical church calendar beginning with Advent in the weeks before Christmas, through Epiphany, Lent, Eastertide and culminating with our annual covenanting service on Pentecost, and then shifting to Ordinary Time. Worship services are planned around a theme or liturgical season. We follow the narrative lectionary which takes us from the Old Testament, through the Gospels and into the New Testament every year.