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Renewable Fidelity

Nov 26, 2023 | Megan Ramer, Narrative Lectionary - Year 2, Sermons

When the Very Good King Josiah is informed that a long lost scroll has been found in the dusty corner of a closet, he rends his garments in mourning for himself and for his people. Despite his commitment to just labor practices, and the narrator’s assurance that he did what was right in God’s eyes, the rediscovered scroll of Deuteronomy makes clear that he and his people had been called to an even more radical life of justice-seeking. How might this story speak into our own desire to walk (together) in the liberating Way of Jesus? And what might it reveal to us about the difference between being driven by the promise of a particular outcome versus a renewable commitment to faithfulness?



Megan M Ramer



Narrative Lectionary, Year 2



Hymn: 406 – Because the Words We Wait to Hear. Text: Jane Manton Marshall. Music:: © 2003, Wayne Leupold Editions. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

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