Birthday Candles
Since at least the 4th century, Simeon’s prayer has been among the last words spoken by Christians each night before the candles of evening prayer are extinguished. His words are the incense the church has sought to breathe while falling asleep and while lying in sleep for centuries: almost as if to say, how could we ever find rest in this world without clinging to our obscure certainty that even as we sleep God will speak her consoling word into all places? This sermon explores our shared longing with Simeon, and offers a reflection on the magic of candles (specifically, birthday candles).
- Alves, Rubem. “Candles.” The Best Chronicles of Rubem Alves. New London Librarium, 2016, 60-64.
- “A Song for Simeon.” T.S. Elliot.
- Image: Ivan Murauyou
Hymn 251 – There Were Angels Hovering Round. Music & Text: American traditional, 19c. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, license #A-726929. All rights reserved.