We are an Anabaptist Christian community seeking to follow Jesus in the world.
Sunday morning gatherings offer opportunities for worship in community, fellowship, and Christian education for children, youth, and adults. Please join us!
Sunday Mornings
Please join us for worship
at 9:30 every Sunday morning!
In the City
We are located in the heart
of the Lake City Neighborhood.
Join Us
Life is a journey.
We would love to walk along together.
A Place of Welcome
Seattle Mennonite Church is an Anabaptist Christian community. As disciples of Jesus, we believe faith and action are inseparable elements in each person’s pilgrimage. In our journey together as a community of believers, we have named several areas of giftedness and calling.
Most Recent Sermon
Listen in to our Sunday morning sermons to get a better sense of who we are. Find or subscribe to our sermon podcast on iTunes or your Podcast app or through our podcast page.
Queer Theology and The Woman Who Anoints Jesus' Feet
Visiting guest preacher Rachael Weasley shares about what her queer church plant is up to these days, and explores today's passage in a queer way.
Sermon begins at minute marker 3:43.
Scripture: Luke 7:36-50
- BibleWorm podcast: Episode 529 – Loving God and Neighbor, Amy Robertson and Robert Williamson, Jr
- https://bcmonline.org/
- https://www.journeywithjesus.net/
- Image: by Prafull Kawate on Pexels.
Grounded and Formed Through Worship
At Seattle Mennonite we understand ourselves to be grounded in and formed through worship. Through worship we orient ourselves toward God and identify ourselves with Jesus. We nurture our relationship with God and with each other, come together in prayer and praise, and we learn more about the One whom we worship.
Megan Ramer
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Tyler Merrill
Pronouns: he/him
Seattle Mennonite Church
Reach Us
Come for a visit, drop a line, or send us an email. We want to hear from you.
3120 NE 125th St
Seattle WA 98125
206-361-4630 (p)
206-361-6076 (f)